Frequently Asked Questions

What types of payments do you accept?

digitalcare100 accepts all major debit and credit card payments: Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, digitalcare100 offers a monthly subscription with the ability to cancel at anytime. Please email us at to cancel.

Does digitalcare100 require customers to sign a long-term contract?

digitalcare100 doesn’t require you to sign a contract however lower costs subscription pricing is available for 12-months when an annual contract is signed.

Will patients ever see my cell phone number?

No! Patients will never see your personal cell phone number. They will only see the assigned 10-digit phone number provided by digitalcare100.

Do I get access to the entire digitalcare100 library?

Yes, as a digitalcare100 member, you get full access to all the available video scripts, article links and graphical assets. Furthermore, you will also have access to all new content created by digitalcare100.

Can I upload my own graphics to add to videos?

Yes! The digitalcare100 editing studio allows you to easily upload any images from your computer straight to the editing studio.

Can I send digital care messages out to my entire patient roster?

Yes, digitalcare100 allows you to message their entire client roster or segment patients into specific groups for more tailored messaging. For example, you can create content designed specifically for males or females and distribute accordingly.

Do I need to download an app to use digitalcare100?

digitalcare100 is an online platform but also has an Apple and Android app for recording videos to obtain higher quality. All you need to have is Internet access. You can sign into your digitalcare100 account thru a web browser on any computer. No software or hardware purchases are required with digitalcare100.

Is it easy to set up digitalcare100 and start practicing digital care?

Yes! digitalcare100 was engineered by visionary UI and UX software developers. The platform is easy to use, very intuitive and friendly to everyone - whether you’re tech-savvy or not.

How long does it take to start practicing digital care?

Getting started with digitalcare100 is easy. Most users onboard in less than 30 minutes! The process is simple – import your patient-contact list from your EHR software system, pick a topic theme you want to message, and follow the yellow brick road. Our digitalcare100 library contains more than 100 pre-written topic scripts to choose from, making it fast and efficient to generate useful and informative chiropractor video content. Couple this with our proprietary teleprompter technology and graphics library and you’ll quickly see that recording/editing professional videos has never been easier. You can begin practicing digital care the same day you sign-up!

Will I get charged per text?

digitalcare100 charges 2¢ per outbound message to cover the hard costs of message distribution. Your account will not be charged for inbound text messages.

Can patients opt-out to stop receiving your messages?

Yes, patients can opt-out at anytime. Historically, this is rare though, because most patients respect your intentions and appreciate the digital care, regardless of whether they click on your videos or other content. Remember, you’re their doctor and this gives you the leeway needed because they trust you with their livelihood. Most patients aren’t receiving digital care currently, and badly want it, so we even recommend you to be transparent with your patients from the very beginning by explaining that digital care is actually part of your official care plan.

Can I use my business phone number?

Not currently, however digitalcare100 will provide you with a unique 10-digit phone number to send text messages to patients.

How do I get my patient’s contact information into the digitalcare100 database?

The very first thing most users do after subscribing to our monthly subscription is transfer their patient contact list from their EHR software. This can be done by exporting your contact list from your EHR software system and then uploading the CSV file directly into the digitalcare100 studio.

Can digitalcare100 support multiple doctors and offices?

Yes! digitalcare100 was engineered for multiples doctors and locations. You can sign up for multiple accounts allowing for each doctor to personalize their content accordingly.

Will my data be safe?

Yes! digitalcare100 combines enterprise level security features with regular comprehensive audits of our software to ensure customer and business data is always protected and secure. We understand the importance of data security and take it very seriously.

Do I need to respond to messages after hours?

We always encourage doctors to respond back quickly because two-way communication increases patient retention. That said, you don’t have to respond back right away. You will have a message inbox inside your digitalcare100 account that shows all inbound messages received. You can even reply to those messages directly from the inbox meaning you don’t need to actually text the patient back from an actual mobile device.

What should I do if "Loading Page Editor" stays on my page?

If this happens, simply click refresh and it should fix the issue.
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